We will be out of the office 7/31/23 through 8/9/23

Our Story
Dr. Jeff Clayton has been practicing chiropractic in Ogden Utah since 2012. Â Wanting to add one more tool/treatment option Dr. Clayton started studying Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Â After extensive training he is now offering acupuncture. Â Dr. Clayton has been amazed at how well his patients have responded to this new treatment.
The origins of acupuncture have been traced back around 4,500 years ago. They originally used Bian stones instead of needles. In 1972 President Nixon visited China and opened the way for acupuncture to enter America. Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been shown to help with a wide variety of conditions as seen in multiple research articles. The theory of Chinese medicine is to balance the energy or chi in the body. When the body’s energy or chi is not moving freely we can develop health concerns. Free flowing chi allows the body to thrive and maintain health.

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

Ogden Utah acupuncture treatment

You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers
Our FAQs
What types of needles are used?
At the Ogden Utah Acupuncture Clinic we only use disposable needles. These needles all come sterile in individual packaging. At the clinic we use needles that range from 0.14-0.20mm gauge compared to the 1.651-2.76mm gauge needles used when donating blood. The needles are often painless.
Will it hurt?
Most people find acupuncture to be a pleasant experience. Upon needle insertion a tiny prick is occasionally felt. The patient will occasionally experience symptoms such as pressure, heaviness, warmth, tingling in 1-2 of the needles used.
How long are treatments?
Treatments are generally 30 minutes. It takes a few minutes to examine and determine what type of treatment we will be doing. At Ogden Utah Acupuncture Clinic the needles are left in for 20 minutes. Everyone responds differently to acupuncture, but most will see fast results.
How much will does it cost?
We charge $95 for acupuncture, but offer a time of service discount of $50 making cash patients $45. If you are coming into the Ogden Utah Acupuncture Clinic for a chiropractic adjustment and want to add acupuncture onto your visit we charge $20.